DML stands for Data Manipulation Language.
Where we want to manipulate the data in the sObject we will use Dml.
Types of DML operations
Dml can be performed in 2 formats
1. Using keywords (insert,update,delete,undelete,merge,upsert)(used as for Atomic operation)
2. Using predefined apex class database. (used as for Atomic operation and non atomic operation)
- Database.insert( )
- Database.update( )
- Database.upsert( )
- Database.delete( )
- Database.merge( )
- Database. undelete( )
- Database.emptyRecycle( )
DML operations are classified into two types
- Atomic
- Non-Atomic
1.Atomic: if any one of the record fails during Dml operations entire operation will fail
2.Non atomic : if any one of the record fails during the dml operation ,only that the record will fail and remaining operation will continue to execute.
Example: Database.insert(sObject[],flag)
flag=true(it is atomic)
flag=flase(it is non atomic)
Note: If lookup (or) masterdetail fields is a standard fields we use id of the record.
Methods available in DML operations
This Class will contain all the error that are generated during Dml operation.
a) getfields( ): This will return list of fields on which error has occurred.
Syntax: list<String> getfields( )
b) getMessage( ) :- This method return error message generated during the dml operation.
Syntax: string getMessage( );
c) getStatuscode (): This method return the code that characterize the error.
syntax: statuscode getStatuscode( );
This will contain result generated during DML operation of insert/update.
DMl on every record will return on Database.saveresult.
- ISSUCCESS( ): This method will return true if the DML operation was success for this object,if it fails return fail otherwise.
- getid( ): Return the Id of the Sobject were you trying to insert or update.
- geterror( ): This method will return the array of database error occurred if no error occures return an empty set. This will return Database.error[]
This Class will contain the result of an upsert Dml operation retrived by a database method
- IsCreated( ): This will return true if upsert operation is a insert
- IsSuccess( ): This method will Return true if the Dml operation was successful for this object if it is fails return false otherwise